Today, only 2% of French condominiums are equipped with electric charging stations. This is a real problem for spreading the use of electric cars in France.
Fortunately, the right to plug in will soon be supported by a decree that will allow Enedis to equip co-ownerships with recharging equipment without charging them for the work. Enedis intends to integrate the costs into the electricity transmission tariff.
“I wanted to get an electric car, but I don’t have anything at home to charge it. Like Fanny, a 49-year-old teacher, more and more French people want to change their car for an electric model.
Global warming, pollution, and noise comfort are also cited as the main reasons for this craze for electric charging stations.
The right to plug in not respected in France
The right to a plug dates from 2011. It authorises each condominium to install a socket for electric vehicles at its own expense. Unfortunately, in 2022, there will be barely 10,000 places installed in co-ownerships in France. This represents 2% of the French population that could potentially benefit.
In fact, this shortfall is a terrible obstacle to the electrification of the French car fleet, an essential part of the fight against global warming.
However, the installation of charging stations costs nothing to the co-ownership. Owners pay for their individual charging station. The rest is paid for by the State and local authorities.
Indeed, installing bollards involves collective work. It is necessary to finance the common meters and the cables. These costs frighten co-owners, who are afraid of having to pay for work for others.

Electric car charging station for charge EV battery. Plug for vehicle with electric engine. EV charger. Clean energy. Charging point at car parking lot. Green power. Future transport technology.
How can the installation of electric charging stations be accelerated?
There is assistance available for owners, co-ownerships and operators. For example, Logivolt Territoires is a public tool that finances all collective expenses. It was launched by the Banque des Territoires, the Caisse des Dépôts branch.
In addition, the Advenir scheme covers up to half of the expenses of co-ownerships. This solution is financed by an annual envelope of public funds. It is managed by the National Association for the Development of Electric Mobility (Avere-France).
Demand for electric charging stations on the rise
The many start-ups in the sector, led by Bornes Solutions, Zeplug and Park’n Plug, confirm that the demand for equipment in collective housing is booming.
They estimate that one million spaces could be equipped with electric charging stations. The remaining cost for the individual, after subsidies, is between 700 and 900 euros, according to them.
But things are still not going fast enough. 44% of French people live in collective housing, but “70% of private charging points are in individual housing”, according to Clément Molizon, general delegate of Avere-France.
A decree to change everything
To accelerate this development, a long-awaited decree should allow Enedis, the electricity network manager, to equip condominiums with recharging equipment, without charging them a single euro, by integrating the costs into the electricity transmission tariff (Turpe). An “unfair competition”, denounce in passing the private installers, gathered behind the French Association of the operators of recharge for electric vehicles (Afor).
Spotiz, part of the solution for financing work for co-owners
The cost of the work is a major problem for co-owners. Spotiz encourages co-ownerships to switch to electric vehicles through its private car park rental solution.
Thus, when a private individual using an electric car is out of town, he or she can rent out his or her charging station to other individuals thanks to Spotiz.
Indeed, Spotiz partners with condominiums to enable a seamless parking experience.
If you are curious, download the Spotiz app via the QR code below. See you soon on Spotiz!